Black wood left navigation toolbar icon

left navigation toolbar icon
  • info  Don't hotlink to this icon. Download and host it on your own server.
  • info  You may not sell, make it available for download or distribute this icon in any size, type, form on any other icon site.

Type:   .ICO

Size should be from 8 to 512 px !

Left navigation toolbar icon in flat colors:

left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar
left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar
left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar
left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar
left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar
left navigation toolbarleft navigation toolbar

Other similar icons from the black wood icon set:

window split horizontalwindow split horizontal
window layoutwindow layout
window addwindow add
window newwindow new
restore windowrestore window
window split verticalwindow split vertical
bottom navigation toolbarbottom navigation toolbar
window removewindow remove
window 5window 5
window multi 2window multi 2
window appswindow apps
show propertyshow property