royal azure blue two finger double tap 2rotate clockwise 2royal azure blue taprotate clockwiserotate counter clockwise 2double tapflick downtwo finger double taproyal azure blue tap and hold 2 tap 2drag uproyal azure blue swipe uprotate counter clockwisedrag down icontwo finger swipe down 2drag leftflick righttwo finger triple tapdrag down 2vertical drag 2vertical dragdrag right 2horizontal drag icondrag up 2horizontal swipe 2two finger omnidirectional swiperoyal azure blue two finger swipe righttwo finger horizontal swipe 2pinch 2triple tap 2flick down 2omnidirectional drag iconomnidirectional flicktwo finger triple tap 2horizontal drag 2omnidirectional flick 2omnidirectional drag 2spread 2swipe leftvertical flick 2drag left 2swipe righthorizontal flick 2 icontap and holdswipe up 2swipe down iconroyal azure blue pinchspreadroyal azure blue two finger tapswipe right 2 icontwo finger swipe left 2 icon